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File List | 1994-08-19 | 28.1 KB | 361 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 54 - Miscellaneous Goodies │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 22NCE141.ZIP 51569 04-18-94 22Nice, CP/M emulation for IBM
- | compatibles.
- ADEV1121.ZIP 318373 03-03-94 ADev11 2.1 - Development for HC11. For
- | Amiga.
- ADTOHT14.ZIP 36542 03-01-94 ADtoHT 1.4 - Convert AutoDocs to
- | AmigaGuide format.
- ASTG07.ZIP 12994 05-19-94 Another Stupid Tagline Generator 0.7.
- | Fixes memory leak bug. For Amiga.
- BBLOTTO2.ZIP 169927 03-20-94 BEST BET U.S.A. Lottery, with TEXAS
- | Pick. BEST BET is Texas' original BEST
- | lottery program, includes features like
- | wheeling, statistical analysis, on-line
- | drawing history database, statistical
- | filtering, number author. Shareware.
- | BEST BET Test Drive is full-featured
- | trial version of BEST BET commercial
- | product by LOTTO SOFTWARE, LTD.
- B_LINK10.ZIP 35701 05-25-94 B-Link 1.0. Allows DOS users to add
- | names, appointments, and notes to the
- | Newton from a PC using Sharp data import
- | function in Extra.
- C64S10CD.ZIP 370429 06-28-94 C64S 1.0c - Best Commodore 64 Emulator
- | around!
- C64TOOLS.ZIP 63583 06-21-94 C64 emulator tools. Display basic and
- | machine language programs, copy files to
- | and from .d64 disk image, and much more!
- C7105.ZIP 212537 03-02-94 Complete Template upgrade fro CDD to
- | 3007.105.
- CAL402.ZIP 21430 04-18-94 Calendar 4.02. Displays a calendar from
- | DOS in one of two formats, either one
- | month or 12 months of one year. Share-
- | ware registration forms and manual
- | included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems
- | <ASP>.
- CARDAPP.ZIP 11717 03-22-94 CardApp 1.0. Read/write Amstrad Notepad
- | PCMCIA cards.
- CASEVS.ZIP 9093 03-01-94 Case vs if StudyExecution Time.
- CITY705A.ZIP 319815 03-10-94 Ariadne! 7.05. A Manhattan address
- | locator gives you the exact location,
- | ZIP code and parent post office of any
- | address in Manhattan. Very well-
- | designed and easy to use. Over 1000
- | streets, avenues, plazas, hotels,
- | museums, colleges, etc. are supported.
- | New: U.S. phone-prefix-code/city/
- | zipcode finder shareware.
- CONVOY1.ZIP 42173 05-23-94 A convoy planner for military convoys.
- CREAT32B.ZIP 414181 03-09-94 CREATIVITY PACKAGE 3.2b. Thomas A.
- | Easton and Rosemary West <ASP>. A
- | 3-part set to stimulate your creativity.
- CTHUG_40.ZIP 221572 06-13-94 Cthugha 4.0. An Oscilloscope on Acid.
- | Connect your SB/GUS to your CD, Line
- | Microphone or CD-ROM. Fire up your
- | favorite music, then sit back and watch
- | the screen move to the music. Complete
- | with Source code. The Digital Aasvogel
- | Group.
- DAYBIO25.ZIP 108855 03-03-94 DAILY BIORHYTHM 2.5 by D.Burgess. The
- | complete & easy to use daily biorhythm
- | program gets even better! It still
- | retains it's easy to view graphical
- | display, along with an interpretation of
- | your days chart. New enhanced multi-
- | user configuration, one key changing of
- | the chart date by days and weeks, and a
- | new utility for launching the program
- | easily from your AUTOEXEC.BAT.
- DBB118.ZIP 136062 03-11-94 DBB 1.18. GUI Digital Logic Circuit
- | Simulator (WB2.x).
- DEBT94_1.ZIP 62347 06-28-94 Animated display of national debt.
- | Updated and improved version with bells
- | and whistles.
- DOCEMBED.ZIP 223267 03-14-94 Print embedded codes in selected
- | modules.
- DOS_SV.ZIP 3358 03-12-94 Many useful DOS file functions for CPD
- | 2.1.
- FCC200.ZIP 371088 03-01-94 FCC Frequency Retrieval System 2.00.
- | ScanWare Associates's 1994 Shareware
- | release of our Frequency Retrieval
- | System for the FCC Master Frequency
- | Files. Includes Police, Fire,
- | Ambulance, Business, Marine, Taxi,
- | Broadcast, Pagers and many, many others.
- | Allows you to: View, Add, Edit, Delete,
- | Search, Sort, Query and outputs to
- | Screen, Print or Disk.
- FD2PRG20.ZIP 17199 03-12-94 Fd2pagma 2.0 - Pragmas, LVOs for Aztec,
- | Dice, SAS, Maxon.
- | 1.00b. Shareware by Kevin Wilkinson.
- | FPS-FRP is an excellent utility that can
- | be used by LAN Administrators, SysOps,
- | home users, or ANYBODY who would like to
- | switch either pre-determined or random
- | files by date. Users can rotate their
- | files either randomly, non-randomly, by
- | date randomly, by date non-randomly, or
- | by a combination of all the above!
- GEOCK52A.ZIP 314951 03-22-94 GeoClock sunlight clock 5.2 for EGA,
- | VGA, and 800x600. The current sun
- | position is displayed, and the parts of
- | the earth in sunlight and twilight are
- | highlighted, with local sunrise/set and
- | times around the world. 5.2-A corrects
- | errors in the default GECONFIG.DAT file.
- GMCL0394.ZIP 3396 03-26-94 GAMBLER'S MATE: Thoroughbred Ed. File
- | Update Includes COMPLETE Roman Dosage
- | Committee list of all chefs-de-race
- | updated 03/94. Updated files to be used
- | with GMTHOR2.ZIP and replace all
- | previous CHEFLIST and CHEFLIST.BAK
- | files.
- GMTHOR2.ZIP 93583 03-13-94 GAMBLER'S MATE: Thoroughbred Edition -
- | WINS! DOSAGE MASTER 2 is a pedigree
- | handicapper. All KY Derby winners from
- | 1929-90, and 92-93 have "fit this mold"
- | of handicapping! It's an EXPERT in the
- | Dosage System, which's 64-1 in KY Derby
- | since 1929 & 62-3 in Belmonts! SUPER
- | for 3-yr-old Triple Crown races & preps.
- GN9403.ZIP 172987 03-08-94 GFX News - March '94 Issue - A NEW
- | magazine that brings you the latest
- | computer NEWS and REVIEWS in full-
- | screen, Super VGA, high-resolution
- | GraFiX! Truly, a cut above the rest of
- | the 'zines out today!
- HDAY31.ZIP 71033 03-02-94 Holiday 3.1 countdown to holidays for
- HOWOLD31.ZIP 75491 03-19-94 How old are ya' 3.1. Calculate your age
- | in years, months, weeks, days, hours,
- | minutes and seconds.
- ICHNG10F.ZIP 228573 03-10-94 WYNTER STONE'S I CHING 1.0f <ASP>
- | Ancient Chinese fortune telling with
- | sticks or coins. User-editable con-
- | tents. Output can be edited, saved,
- | printed.
- IRDC103.ZIP 185202 04-22-94 IRDC 1.03. INFRA-RED Direct Control.
- | Control your One-For-All (6 or 12)
- | remote from your PC. Full Screen Point
- | & Click DOS interface. Your PC screen
- | becomes a large remote keypad. Special
- | serial cable can be ordered with soft-
- | ware. Time-Limited Shareware Demo
- | Version.
- JBIRD212.ZIP 177205 03-11-94 JAILBIRD 2.12 <ASP> Entertaining pro-
- | gram which allows the user to create and
- | print replicas of vanity license plates.
- | Contains data for all 50 United States.
- | Plate colors are configurable, and will
- | output to a color printer, as well as to
- | a PCX image file. Requires VGA & MOUSE.
- LOTTOT13.ZIP 442099 05-28-94 LOTTO THUNDER Lotto Prediction System.
- LPDBR103.ZIP 208427 03-22-94 Calculates land locations for FL, AR,
- | and LA from BLM Land Patents CD data.
- MAINT104.ZIP 10810 03-23-94 MAINTINI. A small DOS based program.
- | Which lets you modify any kind of INI.
- | Files from the DOS commandline. Useful
- | for networks, just place it in the
- | login-script. New Version 1.04! You
- | can: Create new section, add or modify
- | key & values. Delete keys and sections.
- | Manage your SYSTEM.INI files. This
- | program is email-ware.
- MIN_VILG.ZIP 38514 05-31-94 Form-It (tm) Miniature Village
- | Construction Instructions.
- MU033194.ZIP 60220 03-31-94 Names & tickers of 5,000 US mutual and
- | money market funds in a database that
- | you can query. Can also be run as a
- | TSR. As of March 31, 1994.
- MU17_BIN.ZIP 16438 03-07-94 Multiuser 1.7 bin - 2/4 multi-user
- | system security (binaries).
- MUIMENU.ZIP 30243 03-01-94 Muimenu 1.0 - the pop-up menu tool
- | manager.
- MUIREICN.ZIP 40729 03-01-94 MuiReIcon 2.14 - Program for comfortable
- | changing Icon-Values.
- NETWOK_.ZIP 50486 07-08-94 Network! Program to make lots of money
- | on your PC! It works!
- | COMPETITION. This is the DATA and RULES
- | for a quest to see if AI can predict
- | stocks. We will buy anyone's AI program
- | if they can make 20 correct "market
- | calls" in this stock. Both TRAINing and
- | TESTing data files are in the ZIPped
- | file. This would be a good project for
- | any company in the neural network or
- | chaos theory development.
- NEURALRV.ZIP 3490 06-02-94 User REVIEW of "hNET" Neural Network
- | A.I. Software for PC's. The neural
- | network was used to predict behavior of
- | stocks and the S&P500 index on a
- | real-trades basis (not hypothetical.)
- | This text is echo's from a private
- | investor's BBS. This N/N was able to
- | predict the general market direction,
- | using a "H"old, "B"uy, or "S"ell choice
- | list.
- NICOTEEN.ZIP 4117 03-09-94 High School Science Fair Project on the
- | Dangers contained in ONE cigarette!
- NTOOLP11.ZIP 7861 03-03-94 Newtoolprefs 1.1. Prefs editor for
- | Newtool 2.5.
- NUMB51A.ZIP 249047 03-09-94 BY THE NUMBERS 5.1a. Rosemary West
- | <ASP> Uses the philosophy of Numerology
- | to analyze your name and birthdate for a
- | complete personality profile and fore-
- | cast for the coming year. Professional-
- | looking reports can be edited for truly
- | personalized interpretations. This has
- | been RKW's most popular program for
- | nearly 4 years!
- NY033194.ZIP 62863 03-31-94 Names & tickers of 4500 stocks on the
- | NYSE and Amex exchanges in a database
- | that you can query. Can also be run as
- | a TSR. As of March 31, 1994.
- ONEL15.ZIP 74246 03-09-94 ONE-Liner(tm) is a TSR that includes
- | text capture from the screen, and the
- | ability to return text you the calling
- | program. For E-Mail, Macros, DOS
- | commands. (c) 1994 NCS Software.
- OSDEMO.ZIP 80436 03-27-94 IXC Switch Surveillance demo for DSC DEX
- | Tandem Switch. Monitors from 1 to 62
- | Sites from a single PC. VGA required.
- | From TouchTone Solutions, INC.
- PC_CLK12.ZIP 159752 04-01-94 PC CLOCK 1.2. <ASP> A computer chrono-
- | graph. Calibrate your computer for
- | three levels of timing precision then
- | use the UP, DOWN, LAP, RACE, GAME, AND
- | SPLIT timers to time the laps in the
- | Indy 500, a professional football game,
- | a scientific experiment, the Boston
- | Marathon, a schools track meet.
- PC_CLUB.ZIP 61253 03-13-94 Interested in starting a computer club
- | in your neighborhood? This program is
- | designed to get you off to the right
- | start, with the ability to enter,
- | retrieve, alter, and print 2 types of
- | forms. #1 - Membership forms, to record
- | individual members data, and #2 -
- | Financial reports to be handed to
- | members at your meetings. Full docs.
- PRCRP114.ZIP 29464 03-16-94 Procure Pens 1.14 - use more than 8
- | colors in WB3.0!
- PROPHET4.ZIP 269596 06-08-94 DataMicro's LOTTO PROPHET is a sincere
- | attempt to increase the interest and the
- | pleasure of individuals and groups who
- | like to play the lottery by helping keep
- | a record of numbers picked as well as
- | recording the previously called lottery
- | numbers. The LOTTO PROPHET has the
- | ability to maintain all of the State,
- | Canadian 6/49 and Australian Gold
- | lotteries at one time.
- RCHLP104.ZIP 66924 04-30-94 R/C Helper R/C Helper 1.04! For R/C
- | Cars & Trucks: Gear ratios, Frequency
- | "peg" board (printable), Battery check
- | (print to page or labels). Built-in
- | screen blanker, keyboard locking.
- | Supports Epson, HP Deskjet/laser, and
- | standard printers. Requires 8088 with 1
- | floppy or higher.
- S93_107.ZIP 306441 04-29-94 Summer '93 Update Patches to 1.07.
- SIDPL116.ZIP 26458 06-14-94 SIDPLAY 1.16. The best C64 sound-
- | emulation on PC Supporting Soundblaster/
- | Pro/16 & Pro AudioSpectrum/Plus/16 at
- | least 80386 CPU required (80486-DX CPU
- | recommended). Sound quality improve-
- | ments and more bug fixes.
- SMPLS156.ZIP 9370 03-11-94 Simplest clock 1.56. Shows time, free
- | memory on almost every screen.
- SUPRPT23.ZIP 60673 03-15-94 SuperOpt 2.3 - GNU SuperOptimizer, Amiga
- | port (need ixemul).
- TAROT30A.ZIP 187070 03-09-94 PERSONAL TAROT 3.0a. Rosemary West
- | <ASP> Tarot cards have been used around
- | the world throughout history. Now you
- | can enjoy professional-quality Tarot
- | card readings on your PC! Personal
- | Tarot automates shuffling and dealing,
- | builds a ten-card layout, and displays
- | card descriptions and meanings (no
- | pictures). You choose among different
- | methods of shuffling and card layout.
- TCAPR1.ZIP 302612 05-03-94 APAR listing in .INF format. PKZIP 2.0
- | format TC/PIP.
- TDCLK201.ZIP 18968 03-23-94 TDClick 2.01. Command Button Interface
- | for TrapDoor.
- TD_M_ADB.ZIP 57207 03-14-94 AmigaGuide version of the original
- | Trapdoor 1.83 manual.
- TICMOVE.ZIP 38149 03-28-94 Utility to marry .TIC's with companion
- | files and move them.
- TIEMUL1.ZIP 198224 04-11-94 Texas Instruments 99/4A Emulator for
- | IBM. Best program around, EGA, SB.
- | Support for 3 voice sound, mouse, disk
- | access, comes with TI-Logo, TI-XB,
- | A-Maze-Ing, and Hunt the Wumpus.
- TLPR12.ZIP 96663 03-04-94 TelePrompter 1.2. If you have a video
- | camera you will absolutely love this
- | software! This program has all the
- | features of the expensive teleprompters
- | used for commercial television. You can
- | enter up to 5000 lines of text in the
- | built-in text editor, or load files from
- | your word processor. Text is large and
- | smooth, so it is easily read from a
- | distance. Uses Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA.
- TO0331.ZIP 58268 04-02-94 TSE. Advance/Decline Line TSE. New
- | Highs & Lows TSE. 4-day STIX indicator
- | TSE. 7-day STIX indicator.
- TTRXID17.ZIP 23990 03-20-94 TrapTrxID 1.7 - Time Synchronizer for
- | TrapDoor.
- TURF9311.ZIP 165039 05-20-94 TURF 93 1.01 <ASP> Thoroughbred
- | Handicapping System. Powerful and
- | highly advanced, highly sophisticated,
- | yet easy-to-use, thoroughbred handi-
- | capping system. Combines sound, well-
- | established race handicapping principles
- | with scientific statistical analysis
- | methodology. Race tracks or OTB. Sports
- VA_QSO.ZIP 223839 03-16-94 Logging program for the Virginia QSO
- | Program.
- VIC30.ZIP 201922 03-01-94 Victory Thoroughbred Handicapper 3.0.
- | Based Upon Principles From "Total
- | Victory at The Track" by William l.
- | Scott. Uses Performance Class Ratings
- | (PCr), Current Form Tests, And Ability
- | Times to Identify Strongest Contenders.
- | Also Determines Running Styles Using
- | Early Speed Index (ESI) And Finishing
- | Strength Index (FSI).
- VOL13N13.ZIP 136236 06-23-94 PC Magazine Utilities Volume 13, Number
- | 13.
- WAZCAL2.ZIP 29017 03-29-94 WazCal2 1.00. Calendar Utility. An
- | updated version of WazCal. View, Print,
- | and save to file monthly, yearly or
- | combination calendars. "Public Domain
- | Software" WazWare (c).
- WEATHR30.ZIP 130403 03-28-94 The WEATHER Wiz! 3.0 makes accurate
- | short term local weather forecasts using
- | only a barometer and personal observa-
- | tion. Freeware.
- X10XT200.ZIP 60520 06-18-94 XT 2.0. TSR for the X10 computer
- | interface DOS Terminate-Stay-Resident
- | utility for the CP-290 allows sending
- | ON-OFF-DIM commands to any X-10 device
- | from pop-up menus. XT continuously
- | monitors the CP-290 for X10 activity and
- | saves the status in its internal
- | database. A utility program called XTS
- | has access to this data and can display
- | status of individual modules, and more.
- _SSLIBX.ZIP 791359 03-06-94 This library is required to run any of
- | Shining Star Software's DOS programs.
- | Use the !SSLIBR.ZIP for regular
- | operation or !SSLIBX.ZIP for 32-bit
- | extended operation. You do not need both
- | libraries.